Monday 9 April 2012

The Hunger Games :D

Alright so before i went to see the hunger games a couple of people had told me that it wasn't that great and they missed out a lot of the book ect.
I have no idea what they were talking about... i LOVED it! I thought they stayed really true to the book and hardly missed out anything. i mean be fair, they only have so much time to get everything important in so you can't expect every tiny little detail from the book to be there and i think they did pretty well.

One thing that does annoy me is that a lot of people keep comparing it to twilight or harry potter just because its a trilogy i guess. its just like when people tell me its weird that i like harry potter and twilight just because they dont like twilight... they are completely different stories and characters and i can't compare them to each other because they're nothing alike. People are talking about how Katniss is a better role model than Bella because she's strong and isn't thinking about boys and love all the time or whatever but i really dont understand why we have to compare them because they're so different.


I didn't cry while reading the hunger games, which is pretty strange because i ry at most books that are even a little sad but i have to say when Gale dragged Prim away from Katniss at the reaping i did well up a little.

i think Jennifer Lawrence was brilliant as Katniss and she was almost exactly how i imagined while reading the book, i actaully think that everyone was cast really well and i loved Woody  Harrelson as Haymitch, not at all what i imagined but i thought he played it amazingly well :D                                                     

I can't wait for catching fire to come out but i heard that it won't be until November 2013 D: that sucks.

Titantic in 3D tomorrow, i get the feeling that i might need to be escorted from the cinema after having an emotional breakdown :'( xxx

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